Unit | Symbol | SI Equivalent | Conversion Factor |
bushel (USA) | bu | 35.2393 dm³ | 0.0283774 |
bushel (UK) | bu | 36.3687 dm³ | 0.0274962 |
cubic foot | cu ft | 28.3168 dm³ | 0.035314 |
cubic inch | cu in | 16.387 cm³ | 0.061024 |
cubic yard | cu yd | 0.76455 m³ | 1.30795 |
fluid ounce (USA) | fl oz | 0.029574 dm³ | 33.8135 |
fluid ounce (UK) | fl oz | 0.028413 dm³ | 35.1952 |
gallon (USA) | gal | 3.785411784 dm³ | 0.264172 |
gallon (UK) | gal | 4.54609 dm³ | 0.219969 |
petroleum barrel | bbl. | 158.9872949 dm³ | 0.00628981 |
pint (USA) | liq pt | 0.47317673 dm³ | 2.113375 |
pint (UK) | pt | 0.568261 dm³ | 1.75975 |
quart (USA) | liq qt | 0.946353 dm³ | 1.05669 |
quart (UK) | qt | 1.13652 dm³ | 0.87988 |
register ton | RT | 2.8317 m³ | 0.35314 |
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